Welcome to the Online Success Collaborative Podcast!
Listen in for the latest tips in building an online presence that allows you to work smarter not harder for your business.
My mission is to help you run a smooth business and have fun along the way
Below is an interview series with professional entrepreneurs who share their journey. Let’s hear from the pro’s
Quickly grow an email list full of qualified leads using quizzes
Linda Sidhu, a list-building expert and strategic partner with Interact – the quiz pop platform, is joining us to discuss how you can use the power of quizzes to attract and nurture hundreds, and even thousands, of new subscribers for your business today.
Bring in Qualified Leads with Quizzes
Click to listen in: iTunes – Google Play
When it comes to your audience, the more you learn about them, the better. One of the best ways to do this is by offering a quiz that gives people a chance to discover new things about themselves. Linda Sidhu, a list-building expert and strategic partner with Interact – the quiz pop platform, is joining us to discuss how you can use the power of quizzes to attract and nurture hundreds, and even thousands, of new subscribers for your business today.
- Linda shares how she started her business and gives us an update on how it is today.
- Unique traits of her personality quizzes and how it effectively converts to sales.
- Multiple ways you can segment your email list.
- How do know if you’re ready for a quiz?
- Tips for nurturing quiz takers to lead them to avail your offer.
- The number one roadblock to writing emails for marketing.
- The types of subscribers and the different kinds of offers you need to have
- Tips for using quizzes.
- What makes quizzes more powerful than other types of lead magnets.
- The difference between PDF downloads and quizzes.
- Steps to take after you have a quiz or when you already have a quiz.
Hello, I’m Lander Sulser. Tucked away in Eastern Montana, I’m a copywriter, podcaster, and educator with a mission to help you grow your online business. Pastry in hand and coffee brewing, you’ll find me adventuring, writing, and trying–but never succeeding– to tire my Australian Shepherd.